The Christopher Company


(858) 945-5737Contact us

With over eighty years of combined experience in professional
real estate and mortgage services, The Christopher Company
has the tools and knowledge to guide you through the entire
lending experience.

We provide exceptional knowledge and experience
in the mortgage industry.

It is with this expertise that we will find the loan
that best suits your needs.

Services We Provide – How The Christopher Company Can Service You

Loan Consultation

Analyze your unique situation to determine what loan amount and what program will work best for you. For example, are you newly employed, newly retired, recently changed jobs or do you have credit issues that need to be resolved?

Pre Qualification & Pre- Approval

Often when one is purchasing a property it is helpful and necessary to be pre-approved for the loan.

We work with real estate agents regularly to provide pre-approval letters for their clients. We provide this service free of charge.

Loan Origination

Based upon your situation we will find the best lender, the best program and the best rate available.

Loan Processing & Submission

Once it is determined which loan is best for you, we will guide you through the loan application process and get your documents submitted for full approval. We will be with you every step of the way from loan submission to the final funding of your loan.

Credit Services & Credit Repair

The Christopher Company also offers a wide range of credit repair options. We can assist with increasing your credit score in a timely manner to facilitate a home purchase loan or refinance. These services include removing and correcting credit reporting errors. We can then provide a strategy and plan for improving and maintaining excellent credit. For more details and information as well as to answer any questions that are pertinent to your unique situation please contact us today.